How about the Handmade Bag of Tianqingji?
The high-quality leather handbag has been the most popular female fashion product. Some people can't resist buying one for their family and friends. What reasons attract people to buy leather handbags with such enthusiasm? Is it the practical design, comfortable handle, or fashionable and chic style? However, these all make the hands of women look better and more slender.

We are a finely handmade leather craft production goods studio, specializing in designing crafted and customized women's handbags, men's leather purses, and genuine leather bags. Our brand Tianqingji has been operating for more than seven years and keeps growing. Our studio specializes in crafting and customizing all kinds of both men's and women's genuine leather handbags, with high quality and fashionable styles at an affordable price. All bags and purses are designed with the latest trendy styles. Kindly visit our website for more information (

There is no sumptuousness without authenticity, no wealthy people without a touch of luxury, no experienced world traveler, and an elegant lady without a beautiful designer handbag. You can be sure that everyone who wants to know about leather handbags today needs to know all about This online shop offers 100% genuine bonded leather handbags, fashion handbags, and genuine leather bags by well-known brand designers and is well customized.

Tianqingji provides a good leather bag to be an almost lifelong companion. It's a shame to see them decay over time. Just imagine how much abuse is thrown at your bag, and you can probably understand why they don't tend to live all that long simply because they are not made from high-quality materials.
As more and more people realize genuine leather and its durability, luxury, and overall qualities, it is but an obligation for many manufacturers to cater to these demands. When it comes to choosing a leather bag, There are various factors to take into account before finalizing the type that best suits your needs. One of the leading online bag websites has come up with all the pieces you need to know about this bag. our website ( offers the available high-end brands in the market, in addition to 100% guaranteed high-quality crafted and customized fashionable hand leather bags.

There are many fashionable handbags supplier, but not all can provide the best quality product. Now choose us. You will find we're a reliable supplier. We have a professional management team with rich experience in the leather bag field. We enjoy a good reputation both at home and abroad. We made and customized it according to your specific requirement. Most of our products, we sell at a price with less competitive cost, so you can distribute them at a high profit! Our fashion handbag is made of genuine leather. It has a shoulder strap and a top zipper closure. This bag is perfect for daily use. It can hold your phone, wallet, makeup, keys, and other small items.
- The high-quality genuine leather will last for years! You can use it to match any clothes you like or add a relaxed style to your casual wear.
- Spacious and roomy enough to keep your necessities safe and organized.
- Available in different colors to choose from
- They are made of 100% brand-new natural genuine leather, solid, durable, and fadeless.
- Perfectly suited for your clothes, such as a formal suit or casual wear
- Suitable for many occasions such as shopping, travel, leisure, working, and business trips.
- They don't tear easily and are waterproof for rainy days!
- We offer a wide range of colors so you can find something to match every outfit in your closet.
- We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee on all purchases if you aren't satisfied with the product for any reason. For more information, kindly visit our website (
Posted on by BETHI am interested with the kelly and birkin style bag. How much does it cost?
Posted on by AngieWould you be able to give me a quote australian $ for a Kelly bag and birkin bag on exotic leather like crocodile leather please. I saw one in your post with white and black colour pattern crocodile leather birkin bag. Can you use that leather as the front flap and the rest in black leather? If so also quote how much please. Thank you